Licencing / Image Information
All images on this website are copyrighted. Any unauthorised copying, usage and/or distribution is strictly prohibited.
> All of our images are licenced on a Rights Managed (RM) basis and will be quoted according to your specific requirements. To request a quote, you can either select the 'Request a Quote' icon against a specific image or, if you are looking at multiple images, add them to your lightbox and then select 'Request a Quote' including as many details as possible about your intended use.
The following information will allow us to supply a more accourate quote:
Type of use - ie website, brochure, poster
- Size of item if printed and size of image within the page - ie up to half page, full page of double page spread (DPS)
Print run
How long the item is likely to be in use for.
Example prices for non-commercial use.
Supply of a digital file for use of an image as a personal print.
NZ$50 - up to A4 / 30x21/ approx 12x8 in
NZ$75 - up to A3 / 42x30cm / approx 18x12 in
NZ$115 - up to A2 / 60x42cm / approx 24x18 in
NZ$150 - up to A1 / 84x60cm / approx 36x24 in
NZ$175 - larger than A1 / 84x60cm / approx 36x24 in
> Discounts - We are happy to offer discounts for the bulk purchasing of images, reuse(s) of the same image when licenced at the same time, and in other instances depending on usage. Please enquire when you send through a request for a quote.
> We can offer a range of licences to best fit your usage.
- Single-use licence
Licence based on a particular usage, print run and/or time period
Unlimited use licence This is a time-based licence that will allow you unlimited use of an image within that time period. Rates are available for industry and full exclusive use of the image.
3 month real-estate unlimited use licence A discounted rate for the unlimited use of an image in the promotion of an individual property for a 3 month period.
- Tailored licence
We are happy to tailor a licence to fit how you would like to use an images/images. For example, on a subscription basis where a number of images are able to be requested over a particular time-period. If you have a particular requirement in mind please let us know when requesting a quote.
The Lightbox
> The Lightbox is YOUR collection of images. You may add up to 200 images to your lightbox. If you would like a quote for the images included in the lightbox simple select 'Request a quote', supply as many details as possible and we will reply with a price. You can also email the lightbox to either yourself or someone else using the 'Send Lightbox' feature.
> The quick search function is set to return results based on ALL of the keywords that are entered. For example, if you search for "cloisters christchurch" it will return only the images that contain BOTH of those keywords. For more search options please use the Advanced Search function.
Advanced Search
Using the advanced search function you have the option to narrow your search by release status and orientation. There are also three options allowing you to choose how the system will search the database using the keywords entered.
Match at least one keyword - this will return results for any image(s) that contain at least one of the keywords.
Match all keywords - this will return results for any image(s) that contain ALL the keywords.
Match exact phrase - this will return results for any image(s) that contains the exact keyword phrase.
Free Photo Research Service
> As David has taken all of the 30,000 plus images on the website he has intimate knowledge of the whole collection. You can benefit from this expertise and knowledge by using our free photo research service to save you time and effort in finding the right images. Simply contact us with an idea of what you are looking for and we will reply with a lightbox or link of matching images - at no charge and with no obligation to use the images.
> All images on this website are copyright © 2002 If you wish to use any images please request a quote through the lightbox or email us and we will do everything we can to help fulfil your image requirements.
WARNING: Any person or company who uses these images without authorisation from Ltd will be charged a US$2000 penalty fee (per image use) on top of our normal fees. We use highly successful tracking methods to trace illegal usage. We also reserve the right to press criminal charges against unauthorised users, who may also be liable for very substantial civil damages, for instance replacement costs of any / all print runs which use the same image(s).