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Description Hoodoos seen from Bryce Point, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, USA
Keywords America American Southwest approaching storm approaching storms badland badlands black cloud black clouds Bryce Amphitheater Bryce Amphitheatre Bryce Canyon Bryce Canyon N.P. Bryce Canyon National Park Bryce Canyon NP Bryce Point clay cloud clouds cloudy column columns dark cloud dark clouds earth pyramid earth pyramids eroded erosion fairy chimney fairy chimneys formation formations geological geology gray cloud gray clouds grey cloud grey clouds hoodoo hoodoos layer layers lookout lookouts national park national parks natural geological formation natural geological formations natural tower natural towers North America overlook Paunsaugunt Plateau pillar pillars pinnacle pinnacles rain cloud rain clouds rain storm rain storms rock rock chimney rock chimneys rock column rock columns rock formation rock formations rock pillar rock pillars rock pinnacle rock pinnacles rock spire rock spires rock tower rock towers rocks Sandstone South west United States South west US South west USA South western United States South western US South western USA Southwest United States Southwest US Southwest USA Southwestern United States Southwestern US Southwestern USA States stone storm storm cloud storm clouds storms tent rock tent rocks the Southwest thunder storm thunder storms thunderstorm thunderstorms U.S.A United States United States of America unusual natural feature unusual natural features unusual natural formation unusual natural formations USA UT Utah view viewpoint viewpoints views weather weathered weathering wilderness wilderness area wilderness areas
License Type: Rights Managed
Release Status: No Release

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